Thursday, May 22, 2008

More questions than answers

Here is a recent quote from one of my courses. It provokes a lot of questions. Thought you might enjoy entering the student life with me!

'Teach a man to fish and you can sell him bait for a lifetime.'

Monday, May 19, 2008

A student again

I barely have time to write as I have officially started classes today and accomplishing 3 courses in 3 weeks gives you barely enough time to breath. I freaked out last night, questioned my motives, abilities and general sanity and was somewhat relieved to find that a few other students were thinking the same thing. Graduate studies are a far cry from undergrad work I did 10 years ago. However, Darren assures me that I can do it, and I trust his judgement! I am excited to be learning something practical and to try and make sense of the chaotic and insecure world around us. In my effort to do so I will not be writing for the next 3 weeks but hopefully will be able to catch you all up on my studies when there is room to breath.

Darren, on the other hand has a great IT job in the health region for Vancouver Island, is working at a farm down the road as well and totally cleaned up our house today. I am so spoiled. Wonder what he's cooking for dinner tomorrow?