We are back home on the range after a week long move from Fort Myers to Victoria. We spent a wonderful couple of days in Seattle visiting long time friends, speaking at their church and shopping. REI is one of our favorite places to visit, and though we usually always leave with no more than a water bottle, this time around we had a gift certificate. Thanks to ECHO, Darren is now outfitted with a bike helmet and waterproof shoes. Though we would rather be in Central Africa, Victoria isn't a bad place to be, given the ample opportunities for cycling, climbing and backpacking. Trick now is finding time between all the other things we have to do to really enjoy living here.
We had a good meeting with the folks at the Evangelical Free Church of Canada Mission and are encouraged by the simplicity of their offices and staff.
This weekend we are up visiting my dad and step-mom, playing in their 5 acres with our dog, Koko, and enjoying being surrounded by mountains, woods and rain. Darren is busy getting our bikes put together so we can spend the next two weeks riding. We head for Skookum bed and breakfast the middle of next week where we will be house sitting over Christmas. It will be a great place to hide out from the busyness of Christmas, the traffic, and the many places to visit. I am also trying to wrap my head around the fact that I am leaving for CAR soon. Unbelievable. Lots to think about and so much to do, but in all honesty, the short days and rain have me wanting to just curl up by the fire and read a book.