The whole idea of giving birth has always been both miraculous and frightening to me. How a child is conceived, develops and then is forced out into the world is so amazing that while I have never really wanted to do it myself, I have wanted to watch the birth of a baby. Not just any baby though. It seemed much too impersonal to wander into the Gamboula Hospital to watch just any woman give birth and then to walk out like it was just another day. I have wanted to watch one of my sisters give birth. I have six of them here, plus 6 in-laws, but every time they have gone into labour, either I haven't been here or it has been the middle of the night and despite my pleas for them to wake me, they haven't.
At the last minute on Saturday night I decided against spending 5 days in Cameroon, given that our time here was drawing short and I haven't had much time with Clarisse at all. You don't want to make your Yaya mad at you, that is for sure. So we didn't go to Cameroon which turned out to be great since on Monday night, Blandine, my sister in-law and mother to Anna ad the twins, went into labour. One of Clarisse's kids came up to tell me that she was in the hospital, so I rushed down only to sit and wait 2 hours for the event to happen.
It was pretty incredible. I am not sure that Canadian mothers-to-be would have liked the set up so much as everyone gives birth in the same room and no men allowed. There is one mid-wife and however many naked women on tables as are in labour at the time. Blandine went in first and while she was having contractions a second lady came in and was out in 20 minutes leaving Blandine to wonder when it was her turn. Once Blandine started pushing a second lady came in; then it was a bit of a race. I was called into the room once they saw the head. I would describe it all for you but I am sure no one really wants to read what it looks like. The cord was wrapped around the head and the baby wasn't in a good position but you can't exactly send it back in to try again, so they pulled it on out. Poor Blandine didn't at all look relieved to have delivered. She was too nervous waiting to see if a second one was coming. Once she realized there was only one she was much relieved.
Clarisse was the one to take the baby and wipe him down, weigh him, measure him and swaddle him up. At this point HE was handed over to me while Blandine got washed up and helped to her room. I have never held a 5 minute old baby and while he wasn't exactly cute, he was pretty miraculous looking and I guarantee I will never forget that little guy as long as I live. I am not sure how to thank Blandine for allowing me to see her in her God-given glory but maybe the smile on my face was enough.
Vicki and I are otherwise fine, in good health and we are very busy. I think if I knew that Darren was on his way here in the next month or so I would be perfectly happy just carrying on. However, I know I have to leave again, and it pains me. I thought it would be easier to leave this time around, but I don't think it will be. I think it will be the same, awful tearing that it was when we left a year ago. I guess some things never get any easier.