her to retire. She lives right next door to Clarisse but was taken to the hospital Tuesday when she became too weak to eat and stopped sleeping.
What strikes me is that Tuesday I was burdened with a deep sadness all day. As soon as I got in the car to leave work I started to cry. I cried the entire way home, and into the evening. I was mourning not being in CAR, but it went deeper. Into Wednesday I couldn't get Maggie and others off my mind, but was again burdened by this deep sadness. All I could do was pray, and weep. Now I know why. By Thursday Maggie was beginning to eat and this weekend she could sit up for short periods. I pray she will continue to strengthen and I thank God that even while I am not there and have little communication with Clarisse, my spirit still knows what is going on and I am still able to help.
I also heard last week that Chrysler's oldest brother was killed in a motorcycle accident. Chrysler and his family had not seen his brother for quite a long time as he had been serving in the military in the troubled Birao region of the CAR. I spoke to Chrysler last Monday and gave my condolences to him and his family. He urged me to pray for his family, especially for his mother, and for his brother's widow who is nearly 8 months pregnant.
Death and the possibility of death hang in the air in the CAR all the time. It is not until it gets close to you that you feel the full weight of its burden on your shoulders. I have never felt such sorrow or such joy before I knew the CAR.
On a more joy-filled note, we heard from Calvin this week and he has received good marks on his second semester exams. We were a little worried when his first semester marks came back and he was very behind. However, with the thought of having to leave school and go it alone looming over his head, he really buckled down and has brought his grades up significantly and we are so proud of him. He may just make it afterall.
(Me and Calvin this January in Berberati)