Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More disturbing news from CAR

While living in CAR, away from the conflict zone, it is hard to know what is happening in the country. It isn't until I am back home with reliable Internet access that I find out what is happening just to the north of Gamboula. Just goes to show you how poor the infrastructure and information systems really are.

The humanitarian situation appears to be worsening. Read here for more details. A second article by the UN describes the situation as such; “It’s not like any other humanitarian situation I’ve run across,” Catherine Bragg, Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator, told reporters in New York. (Click on the purple link to read the complete article). The article goes on to point out that the situation in the north has been compounded. "More recently, she added, humanitarian needs have increased due to attacks by the Ugandan rebel Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) in the south-east and a rise in malnutrition in the south-western part of the country."

Once again I am reminded that hunger results from conflict and conflict results from hunger. And I press on....