Monday, April 13, 2009

Au Revoir

I am off to the airport in ten minutes. My first stop (after several connecting stops) is Kampala, Uganda on Wednesday. I will be attending my last class with RRU along with 19 classmates. We will be assessing Uganda's progress towards the Millennium Development Goals. On May 8 I will fly to Gamboula and be reunited with my friends and family. I will stay until the end of June and will be looking at the progress of the nutrition garden, helping launch the new Agriculture Resource Centre and collecting data for my thesis project.

Along the way I WILL be blogging so stay tuned to hear about my "spoiled for normal" life. (Spoiled for Normal is life lived outside the box, in case you were wondering).

Think about Darren when I am gone. Write him, phone him, feed him. I will miss him as always.
